Saturday, 21 April 2012

Hiya!!!! Hope you have all had a great Easter brake!!!! So last night was the first Friday back at youth. We had an absolutely fabulous night!!!  Mark gave a ground braking word from the Lord that really spoke to me. Samson was a guy who had the blessing of God upon his life. Tall, handsome and strong!! But he made a mistake. He wasn't perfect. He married a lady who wasn't right for him. She was his enemy's daughter and as you can expect she wanted to find his weakness! And she does!!! She ends up cutting off all is hair (which is his God given source of power) and he's captured and his eyes are gouged out. Not pretty!!! Now your thinking is that it!!! Well no..... It's not!! His enemy's tie him up to 2 pillars in the temple and he prays to God to be given his strength back. He pulls the whole temple down and kills his enemies.  Jesus didn't have any imperfections. No Achilles heal. Faultless! He Loved and he healed! Yet they put nails through his hands and his feet! He had a spear through his side! The bible says his back was like a ploughed field, from the whipping and beating!!  But he did it out of Love for you and me. And he still loves us today!!! Because he didn't just die he rose again!!  XD if you ever need to talk or ask questions. Me or any of the other leaders would be blessed to share with you!! Keep in mind that we will be doing RPC's got talent!! So warm up those vocal chords and dust off the batons!!!! XD  

Monday, 26 March 2012

Yo homies!!!! XD sorry it's late....

So this week George preached. He talked to us about Fabrice Moamba.
If you haven't all ready heard, he had a cardiac arrest in the middle of a Bolton vs Tottenham match.
The crowd were being signalled to pray for him and the main point of George's talk was:

Why do we look to God in a crisis, but then go on living life, ignoring what amazing works God has done?

When it's convenient, we look to God. Instead of living our life with God. You can live your life how you want. That's free will. But you will never find Gods Love in anything other than him.

If you want God, you can get to him by praying! If you want a farther and the Love of God, you talk to him daily...... And the Love over flows. XD

If you would like to talk to someone about what you've just read, I'm ok to answer questions. But talk to God! He's with you and he wants to talk back!

Monday, 12 March 2012

Hiya!!!! XD
So this week at youth liz talked about Love!!! But not just any love. The love of God!!
It's also been a kind of theme this weekend because mark spoke on it Sunday night. :)

So you've read the first bit and now your thinking, "what's God got to do with love?"
Well, God actually loves you more than you know. He sent his one and only son to die on a cross. Jesus, the son, freely gave his life. Because he wants a relationship with you!!!
Confused? Well Jesus is the Son, God is the farther and the Holy Spirit all form the trinity. But we don't have to really understand that bit. All we need to know, is that God is very real and he wants a real relationship with you!
He doesn't just want you to pray and read your bibles, he wants you to constantly talk and rely on him.

In the bible it says: Pile your troubles on God's shoulders-he'll carry your load, he'll help you out. He'll never let good people topple into ruin. (Psalm 55:22 MSG)

He wants to be the person you rely on! In a book I have been reading called the shack. In the book God is cast in a human form, as a motherly figure, to help the main character, Mack, discover how much he really needs God. (you should read the book) But in the book, God is kissed on the cheek by Jesus. This is the kind of intimacy God longs for with you!!

Like a father with his young, it brakes his heart to see his children ignore him....

If you feel this spoke to you, then talk to me or anyone else you know is a Christian. Or maybe you just have questions.... Well we're here :)

Monday, 5 March 2012


So Friday just gone.... We had an amazing evening!!!!

The part that most stuck out to me, was when Paul did his speak. It was extremely powerful. He got a piece of wood and a nail. (the nail was around the same size as one they would have actually used to nail people to crosses) All he did was hammer the nail into the wood....

Now your thinking, "I've seen that loads of times". Well maybe you have. But the relevance here, was that a mans hand would have been in between that nail and that wood.

The bible says- "God so Loved the world that he gave his one and only Son"!!! Jesus was willing to do that for you and me! He willingly gave his life so we could be given for our sins! Those nails drove through his flesh for you and me.... He loves us THAT much!

The rest of that verse says-" that whoever believes in him, shall not perish"! You know when you accept Jesus into your life. It's not easy. But the Love is so vast. You have that constant re-assurance of Love. And all you want to do is please God. Because he's your farther and he created you.

George has spoke about this and you have probably herd this before. God is like a potter. He wants to mold you an shape you and give you the best in life. But if you don't accept him, how can he do amazing things?

Finally, the rest of the previous verse says- "but have everlasting life"! How amazing is that?!?!?! You get a place in heaven! If you just accept him into your life. You don't need the things of this earth!
Think outside the box. Don't let the world put you in one!

Speek soon!! :)

Monday, 27 February 2012

Hello!!! Sorry it's late this week peeps!!! Doesn't time fly!!

So this week we had the YWAM team in and they showed an amazing drama. Basically there was a guy and he was living, what was to him a "normal life". This "normal life" was first a typical party scene, which lead to drugs. Then a bad relationship, where the girl rips his heart out. What he doesn't realise, is that all these things are sins, which lead to death. Another thing that he doesn't realise is, actually, angels where protecting and praying for him.
Towards the end of the drama the "demons" or "sins" consume the man they bind him so that he can't even move. But God intervenes and the angles kill the demons and unbind the man. Giving all the praise to God.

There where also testimonies shared, where God overcame Depression and resolved issues in people's lives.

If you can see repetition in these blog posts, then maybe God is trying to speak to you! If you do have any questions the leaders in youth are able and willing to answer them.
God loves you do much, he's reaching out his hand. All he wants is for you to reach out and except him.

Jeremiah 1:19
And they shall fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you, for I AM WITH YOU, says the Lord, to deliver you.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

At Bible study this week we talked about a heavenly perspective!!! and how as people we can only see a canyon with a really big bolder wedged in the way!! But God sees the canyon from a birds eye view. And he sees how small the bolder is compared to the jerney that's after it. The bible says he sees the beginning and the end of time. But it also says that God sticks closer than a brother!!!

For people who don't know Jesus and Jesus' love, the bolder is building up and building up. They look for Love in different places or people; when Gods actually holding out his hands, saying "here I Am".
For people who do know Jesus, the bolder crumbles daily. As soon as you get over the bolder you can carry on your walk!! God will give you situations and tryles to build you up and your gifts and talents. But that bolder was crumbled by our all loving Jesus when he died on the cross!!

That's just what I got from the bible study. But if you want to know more, ask one of the leaders in youth... They will be blessed to share with you and answer any questions you may have.

God Bless!!

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Hey!!!!! Long time no speak!!!!!

So here's an update of what's happening in engage lately....

1. SYC!!!! Or summer youth camp.....
This is the 13th to the 18th of August
And it's an amazing experience!!!! It's a week of fun in the sun, with swimming, rock climbing, archery and life changing meetings!!! There's also an amazing worship band!!!!
A typical day involves waking up in dorm rooms and sliding on down to breakfast where u meet all your new friends!!!!! Then having a time of worship a bit later. After that, you go to a meeting that is aimed at your own age group!!! Later, there's a time to spend how you like. Whether that's swimming or just chatting away with your new bezzys!! ( best friends)
There is then an evening service with more worship and a guest speaker!!!!

2. Audacious!!!! This runs from the 1st to the 4th of August....
A typical day would be:
Breakfast in a hotel then off to a morning meeting with A LIVE BAND!! And amazing guest speakers running throughout!! There's a break then more awesome band and another speaker and lunch. Then you have the option of going to a workshop.... After theres more time chilling with bestyz!!!! Later, there's an evening Survice with more worship !!! And a special guest speaker!!!!!

If you want to go to any of these talk to Kirsty Allan XD

So Diana spoke amazingly on Friday night, about David and Galiath. What I got from it was there are Giants in our lives such as alcohol or difficult relationships. But there is nothing that can come against us, and be victorious when we live in obediance to the almighty God!!! At the end of the day he's creator of heaven and earth!!! The main guy!!!!! How amazing that David a small boy, could take down a 3 meter tall guy, with a single stone!!!!